This digital project was started through the Ursinus Summer Fellows program in which students are provided a stipend over the 8-week program to do a self-driven research project under their mentor's guidance. This is A not THE guide to approaching 2-Spirit Indigenous artists and reflects the process in which I have learned and produced research in. Embarking on this research, because of the chances of accidentally upholding settler-colonialism no matter how well-intended someone may be, can feel daunting and overwhelming at times, so I intend to provide a starting point for historians approaching the topic. Though I have taken a variety of courses throughout my time at Ursinus that provided a grounding in this history, this research is not constrained to students at small liberal arts colleges. This is a very new field combining museology, Indigenous studies, Queer studies, and digital studies lived in which lived experience and personal identity is central to establishing one's place in the field. With all that in mind, I hope this website proves useful to your research and curiosity and I wish you the best of luck!